
1. If your procurement is between the 1st to 10th of any month you will receive the procurement profit on the 15th of further month.
I.e: if you purchase a plan between 1st – 10th December
You will receive the procurement profit on the 15th of January

2. If your procurement is between the 11th to 25th of any month you will receive the procurement profit on the 30th of further month.
I.e: if you purchase a plan between 11th – 25th December
You will receive the procurement profit on the 30th of January

3. If your procurement is between the 26th to 30th of any month you will receive the procurement profit on the 15th of further month.
I.e: if you purchase a plan between 26th – 30th December
You will receive the procurement profit on the 15th February

If there's any add-on in the monthly product procurement package you have to check the following
1. If he/she wants to add on in the 15th date, they have to add on between the 1st – 10th only
2. If he/she wants to add on in the 30th date, he/has to add on between the 11th – 25th only
Note: This is for new plan purchase and plan shift only…

Are You Looking For A Profitable Investment Opportunity That Offers Potential Returns Based On Product Sales From Bulk Retailers? Look No Further Than DKZ!

By becoming a member and procuring our product package, you are entrusting DKZ to generate profits on your behalf. These profits are derived from product sales, which may vary month-to-month. This means that while some months may yield higher Sales returns, others may result in lesser profits

Please be aware that DKZ provides returns based on product sales from bulk retailers across various categories like groceries, apparels, electronics, and more. We operate with transparency and aim to keep you informed about the performance of our product lines.


Consumer Demand

• Groceries: The demand for groceries remains constant, making it a resilient sector even during economic downturns.
• Apparels and Electronics: Consumer preferences may evolve, but the need for clothing and electronic
devices is


E-Commerce Boom 

• With the rise of online shopping, investing in
e-commerce platforms
that specialize in groceries and electronics can offer
significant returns
• Consider platforms that streamline the procurement
process and tap into the convenience of online shopping


Technological Advancements

• Electronics: Invest in companies at the forefront of technological innovations.
• Retail Stores: Implementing cutting-edge technologies, such as AI-driven inventory management, can enhance the efficiency of
retail stores.



Investors are
focused on
sustainability and ethical practices.
Consider companies
that prioritize
eco-friendly initiatives
and ethical
sourcing of products.      


Global Expansion

Explore opportunities for investment in companies with a global footprint. Expanding into emerging markets can offer new revenue streams and growth potential.


Retail Stores

Invest in a mix of online and brick-and-mortar retail stores. The hybrid approach allows for a broader market reach and caters to diverse consumer preferences.



Companies leveraging data analytics for procurement decisions can adapt quickly to market trends. Look for businesses that prioritize data-driven strategies.


Consumer Trends

Keep an eye on companies that stay attuned to changing consumer preferences, such as sustainable products, online convenience, and experiential retail.

Investing in the procurement of everyday essentials presents a compelling opportunity for diversification and long-term growth. By strategically selecting companies with strong fundamentals, adaptability, and ethical practices, you can position yourself to capitalize on the evolving landscape of consumer goods and retail. As with any investment, it's crucial to conduct thorough research, assess risk tolerance, and consider consulting with a financial advisor to tailor your investment strategy to your specific financial goals.